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Read this page if you want help finding, building, and launching an unstoppable Dream Team

1. Meet your companions in our community freed from Self Help

2. Transition from the solitude of Self Help to the support of a Dream team

3. Grow with us at your side as you take each step to become the Real You

And It won't cost you $10,000 a year. All this, and more, for $7 a month. No catch. The Dream Team @ Project 2.0 Is Now Open.

A message from Project 2.0's co-founder

I’ve been behind the scenes successfully publishing Self Help for 10 years.  I never wanted the spotlight.  But I do need you to hear this and never forget it:

Self Help is dangerous. It sells success and infects you with failure. Because if you’re not failing, you’re not buying. 

For ten years, I’ve attempted to fix Self Help. But there is no fix. It needs to be torn down and replaced.  What’s on this page is a replacement years in the making.

No matter what, I pray you never forget two things: You don’t need Self Help. And you are not a failure.



Let’s build you a Dream Team

Show up with fresh eyes. Project 2.0 handles the rest.

Only you can find the path to the Real You. But history’s greatest explorers always had a Dream Team behind them. You don’t need another Self Help product. You need a Dream Team.
Want accountability? Want support? Want a family? Want a community? Want to be seen and heard? Want companions? The Dream Team is everything Self Help can’t give you.

Who is the Real You?

A new name for a new approach to self-awakening.

Taoists call it Taiji or the Supreme Ultimate. Buddhists call it Bohdi or Buddhahood. In Ho’oponopono, it’s called Zero. We call it the Real You. Why? Because we like it. It’s not a new concept. It’s a new approach.
We’re out to destroy the sham of Self Help. It doesn’t work and can’t be fixed. Only you can know the Real You. But you don’t have to be alone. a Dream Team behind you changes everything.

Why isn’t Self Help enough?

The $38 billion industry is secretly sabotaging you.

If you succeed, they go out of business. So they quietly feed you failure). They don’t know the Real You. So they invent solutions instead of listening to your needs.

The real question: Do you look the other way and keep buying their dead-end systems? Or do you stop buying Self Help products and find a better way to the Real You?

5 steps to build an unstoppable Dream Team

Step 1: Release yourself from the Self Help mindset.

As former insiders, we know how Self Help builds the failure mindset. So we know the structural weakness to make it crumble. The hammer we swing? Simple, playful disruption snaps you out of it.

Step 2: Step into the The Hive @ Project 2.0

As you’ll see, Project 2.0 has many unique vessels. But the beating heart is a The Hive. Real People on the same journey you’re on. Including your future Dream Team. It’s not your normal “community.”

Step 3: Meet us. We’re the team behind your Dream Team

Project 2.0 is built on technology. Our core technology? People, not AI. We’re Real People, with you for the long haul. We’re the support team for the Dream Teams. We’ll meet each other on your first video call.

Step 4: Do The Visioning Session

You might know exactly where the Real You is. You might have no idea. You might be somewhere in between. But for everyone, the Visioning Session reveals where your internal compass is guiding you right now.

Step 5: Let the matchmaking begin

We don’t know the Real You. So we won’t force a team on you. Instead, we create space and experiences to find you companions you“click” with. Don’t worry. If you’re stuck, we’ll step in and help.

Real Living with your Dream Team

Grow together in your private video and messaging space

The world loves to tell us how to live. So the simple comfort of your Dream Team seeing and accepting you might seem like a luxury. But it’s actually needed food for your soul. It’s the family that doesn’t judge you. Our job? To get you as close to each other as possible.

Accountability and support you want, when you need it

Accountability is part of how you sustain the Real You. Your Dream Team won’t tell you what to do or where to go.  But they will keep you accountable in whatever way you need. And if you slip or get pulled away, you’ve got their no-judgement support helping you come back.

Companionship and camaraderie for life’s Real Adventure

Your path to the Real You is unique. Everyone on your Dream Team is on their unique paths as well.  But unlike the solitude of Self Help, you don’t have to go it alone.  You now have adventure partners who’ve got your back. The big secret? A team can quickly accelerate your growth.

Grow bigger, better, farther… together

Project 2.0 doesn’t do “systems” or step-by-step. We help you fall in love with finding your own steps. That includes space to explore new, big, and exciting growth ideas. And exploring with your team means extra insight and inspiration you wouldn’t find on your own.

A community with deep bonds - without the “Group Think”

It’s not uncommon for tight-knit communities to have people stuck in the same beliefs, opinions and judgements. What unites us is that we’re all on our own paths. We’re all on an individual journey, together. It’s a deeper connection. We can be close and still celebrate our differences.

Each month, a new epiphany to explore together

Epiphanies are ideas with the potential to spark Real Growth. As all growth can be amplified with your Dream Team, sharing the experience of exploring each month’s Epiphany together creates shared insights and revelations for your Real Path that you wouldn’t find on your own.

The Dream Team Behind Your Dream Team

You don't know me, but you know my work.

My name is Mitch and I’ve been publishing Self Help programs for almost a decade. If you follow my dear friend Joe Vitale, you’ve seen my work, like the Ho’oponopono Practitioner Certification or the Awakened Millionaire Academy.

Joe and I developing a Joe Vitale 2.0 module for Project 2.0

Joe and I have collaborated on some innovative twists to Self Help. But, as he’ll tell you, I’ve been talking about “fixing” the Self Help industry for years. Only recently I accepted the truth: Self Help can’t be fixed. It needs to get replaced.

At that point, I began assembling my own Dream Team to help build a new vision for personal development: Deeply communal but always rooted in your individual journey.

How do I know Dream Teams work? I’ve spent years dreaming, scheming, and collecting ways to transform Self Help. But it was only when I built my own Dream Team that Project 2.0 came to life. Not on my ideas alone, but on our shared, collective creativity. 

But it didn’t stop there.  We came together for the Project 2.0 mission. And we had a wild ride building it from nothing.  But as I look back over this past year, I see how I personally have grown, how this “team of fellow misfits” have helped me get closer to the Real Me.

That’s the power of finding the right Dream Team.  That’s what we want for you.

The Project 2.0 Advocates

Awais @ Pakistan

Facilitator of Architecture and Data Storytelling

Cassie @ USA

Facilitator of Spirals upon Spirals upon Beautiful Spirals

Daniel @ Canada

Facilitator of Voice and Beginnings

Dip @ Bangladesh

Facilitator of Full Stack Dancing Code

Eric @ Malaysia

Facilitator of Dominant Resonant Emotions

Jackie @ England

Facilitator of People, Ideas And Order

Jane @ Mexico

Facilitator of Butterflies and Smiles

Kevin @ El Salvador

Facilitator of Human Sunshine and Designed Development

Maria @ The Philippines

Facilitator of Relentless Support, Truth, and Advocacy

Mary @ The Philippines

Facilitator of Cascading Functions and Harmonious Movement

Mitch @ USA

Facilitator Of Ideas, People, and Chaos

Mohammed @ Morocco

Facilitator of Ideas Developing People Developing Ideas

What is Project 2.0?

Your Dream Team is only the beginning

You are the light. Project 2.0 are vessels to channel the Real You.

The Jewish mystic tradition of Kabbalah uses the metaphor of the light (Ohr) and the vessel (Kli) to understand the 10 Sephirot, or aspects of God.

Without the vessel, the light of God is too diffuse and cannot be seen by humans.  Without the light, the vessel is empty and lifeless.

This metaphor is a root inspiration for Project 2.0.

The Real You is a light with a color and brightness that not even you can see yet. 

Project 2.0 is made of vessels to channel the Real You so you can not only see it, but become it, and sustain it.

So yes, in Project 2.0, we do build tools, platforms, environments, and opportunities as vessels for you to see and engage with the Real You.

But it’s simpler than that. 

The Real You IS Project 2.0.

The only shape, meaning, and purpose we have is to serve and support the Real You.  

In Self Help, you revolve around the guru’s systems and beliefs.  

In Project 2.0, we revolve around you, your journey, and whatever you need to get where you’re going.

The vessels that make up Project 2.0 today are only the beginning.  As the Real You grows, Project 2.0 grows.

This is the beginning of Project 2.0.  But it is only the beginning.

The 10 Vessels of Project 2.0

The Hive

The first heart of Project 2.0 is the Hive. It is where we all share our ideas and perspectives with one another, where we explore our unique individual paths together, where we embrace simple rules like – don’t be an asshole. It is our collective intelligence. It’s a home for the journey.
This is not a facebook group with a string of memes. This is not where you go when you’re bored. This is where you go to grow and be seen.

The Dream Team

Your band of adventurers for life. Your family unit. Your team of heroes. Your accountability partners. Your growth partners. Your learning partners. Your Real People.
The Dream Team is why you join Project 2.0. The Dream Team is why you stay with Project 2.0. The Dream Team is why you’ll outgrow Project 2.0. It is the ultimate Real You hack.

The Advocates

The Project 2.0 Dream Team are your advocates. We are always there for you. We are always thinking about you, about how to help you, about how to support you becoming the Real You.
If you need help on your journey, we are there. If you need to be heard, we will listen. If you need to be seen, we will see you. If you need feedback, we’ll tell you what we think. We’re here for the Real You.

The Monthly Epiphany

Each month, we take a Hive vote on the next Epiphany. An Epiphany is simply a big idea that can help you become the Real You.  Our team then transforms it into inspiration for our Guiding Artists, our community conversation, our group immersions, and our collective ingenuity. It becomes an immersive month-long growth experience.

Upcoming Epiphany: Intuitive Listening – Sparking Effortless Action And Pendulum-Like Momentum

The Guiding Artists

Becoming the Real You is more in the joy of art than in the rules of science. Our mission is to keep offering new colors and brushes to paint with. We bring in brilliant thinkers, livers, doers, and teachers to share their own approach to Epiphany that you can adapt to your path.
Each month, we’ll bring a Guiding Artist to the Hive for a live guided group immersion into a new Epiphany. Next up? Joe Vitale sharing his recent personal epiphanies never before shared.

The Visioning

The Visioning is a live, guided process to align yourself with your internal compass. It helps you find what direction to follow to become the Real You.
The Visioning session is your permission to let loose and allow your heart, mind, and soul full permission to go wherever the Real You wants to take it. Do it once or do it regularly. Up to you.

The Real Practice

The Real Practice is the art of walking your Real Path to the Real You. It’s how you explore whether an outside idea or Epiphany will fit with your Path and your needs. So while Self Help is telling you to suck it up and take action, your inspired practice will move your feet for you.
Your Real Practice is the beating heart of your journey to the Real You. We’ll help you build a Real Practice that excites, inspires, and moves you closer without the fear of failure.

The Open Incubator

What are the best ways to help you see, become and sustain the Real You? Up until now, you had two options: figure it out on your own or let Self Help sell you an answer that doesn’t fit you. There’s a better way. It’s called “open source.” It’s where all minds come together to answer a question or solve a problem. For example, Wikipedia is an open source project that transformed the world.

The Open Incubator is where we collaborate on new and better ways to help you see, become and sustain the Real You. Our collective brainpower can discover answers you won’t find alone.

The Vessel Accelerator

If we shape blueprints for new or improved Project 2.0 vessels in the Open Incubator, the Vessel Accelerator is the unit within our team that takes that blueprint, builds technology around it, and makes it real.
Have you ever had a team take one of your ideas and turn it into something real? Contribute to the Incubator and see your ideas on becoming the Real You turned into real tools to use.

The Treasury

We are not the only ones thinking about how to become the Real You. There are brilliant creators and makers out there developing their own vessels to help channel the Real You.
The Treasury is where we’ll curate and collect golden tools and resources to help you on your path to the Real You. To start, choice deep hypnosis with Dr. Steve G. Jones.

Upcoming Project 2.0 Vessels

The Seed Bank

Humanity has been creating and collecting ideas on how to be the Real You for millenia. Our Seed Bank will offer you meaningful ideas to explore and creative ways to explore them.
From spontaneous inspiration to the random idea generator, the Seed Bank is where you can find and explore a new idea on becoming the Real You.

The Daily Dial-In

What if we came to you? Through email, text, or messenger, we’ll ask you two questions to start your day: How are you feeling? What is your energy level? Based on your answers, we’ll give you ideas, actions, resources, or suggestions to help you make your day more Real You.
Using human-crafted technology, we’ll bring the epiphanies, the practice, the accountability, and the support straight to you.

Say yes and see growth from Day 1

We guarantee a simple formula: the more you “show up” for the Project 2.0 experience, the more you’ll experience amplified growth towards the Real You. Starting from Day 1:

Day 1: You’ll immediately start to feel the Self Help Grip loosen

To release you from the Self Help failure mindset, we make a simple adjustment in your perspective. But the key that immediately loosens the grip is the comfort of knowing there’s now a better way.

Within a week: Inspired and empowered by the Real You

Every Saturday the Hive doors open to new participants. And as soon as you step through those doors, we start by leading you to authentic inspiration and self-created empowerment.

At the same time: Immediate support, accountability, and love

As soon as we meet you, we’re with you. Whether it’s the Project 2.0 team or another participant in the Hive, you will have access to a kind of support and recognition not found in any normal experience.

Within two weeks: New clarity on your Real Path

Between what you get through the Visioning, the Hive, and the simple momentum in Project 2.0, you’ll begin to have a new confidence and clarity for what direction the Real You lies.

Within a month: The Real You gives you Real Results in Real Life

You’ve already found big new ideas to explore and build into your path. You’ve already begun designing a new approach to daily life. And because your engine is fueled by inspiration, it simply happens.

Day 1 with your Dream Team: Lifetime fuel for your Real Path

Your Dream Team is your rocket fuel. The intimacy, accountability, love and support, camaraderie, shared experience, inspiration to be exchanged, and eyes that always see you: a lifetime team at your side.

Are you a fit for the Dream Team?

We celebrate your uniqueness. No beliefs or doctrines required to join. Our only requirement for joining and staying with Project 2.0 is resonance. Do you resonate with our mission?

That’s the moment of truth: Do you get a good feeling when you read this page?

Trust your gut. And try it risk-free.

If you join us today, you’re saying yes for three reasons: 1. You see our vision 2. You respect our experience 3. Your gut says “this will be good for me.”

But if you get inside and it’s not a match, let us know and we’ll give you a refund and part with good wishes.

We cannot guarantee your results, but we fully guarantee our commitment and dedication to you and your journey.

Say yes and the first step is simple

If Self Help attempted to come close to Project 2.0, it’s a $10,000 bill gone for good. Our business model: 1. Easy access for all people 2. We succeed only when you succeed.

It’s why membership dues are $7 a month for everything on this page. No catches. And if you want to help give us more fuel to grow faster, invest $70 for the year and get two months free.

What you get when you join Project 2.0:

Monthly @ Project 2.0

Never tied in. Cancel anytime

$7 /month

Yearly @ Project 2.0

Two months free. Cancel anytime

$70 /year